School Garden Coordinator

Volunteering Opportunities

Contact us if you’d like to volunteer.

School Garden Coordinator

Description: Have a green thumb or just like the idea of green things?  We are looking for a school garden coordinator.  This person will work with our staff garden leads (Ms. Courtney and Ms. Aly) to help coordinate two garden clean up days a year.  Additionally, this volunteer will coordinate with external volunteer groups who occasionally come to the school to help with grounds up keep.  The garden coordinator can also take on additional efforts such as replanting the flower beds by the front entrance.  

Training:  A half hour training session scheduled at your convenience.

Time Commitment:  This volunteer job is what you make it, but at minimum, you will be spending 6 to 8 hours a semester in this role (participating in garden day, coordinating garden days, and managing external volunteer groups).  

Requirements:  Some of the work (participating in garden day, for example) will be on site at the school.  Almost all of the work onsite will be on weekends.  The coordinating effort can be done at home after hours.