Q: When does school start?
A: August 31!
Q: How long will we be doing virtual learning?
A: What we know: The mayor has announced virtual learning until November 6. What we don’t: We don’t know whether or not this will be extended.
Q: Do I need to buy anything?
A: No. Van Ness is providing a box of school supplies PLUS each child’s personal virtual learning binder. Pick up will be at school between August 28 and 30. Families will be assigned a specific window of time to pick up supplies and personalized binders. Additionally, returning families will be able to collect students’ personal items from that got left at school when quarantine started in March.
Q: What will my child’s day look like?
A: We can look forward to a consistent, predictable and structured schedule. Every day there will be at least one live session with a teacher and students will receive regular one-on-one check-ins. Teachers will be providing each child their individual schedule. To see sample schedules that show you what schedules will look like by grade level, click here. (But remember your child’s schedule will be specific to them.)
Q: How will teachers connect with students?
A: Teachers will connect to students using video calls (primarily Zoom) and Canvas. Canvas is a learning management system that DCPS has used for the past six years. With virtual learning, students will now use this as well and features will be taken advantage of than in the past. Students must log into Canvas to be marked present and can receive assignments and submit classwork within this platform. Watch the recording of the Canvas for Families training many of our caregivers recently attended. You will hear much more about how your child’s virtual classroom will work directly from your teacher.
Q: What if I have a technical issue? Who do I talk to?
A: You should reach out to your child’s teacher first. They will work with you to get your issue resolved.
Q: What if my kid hates being on zoom and refuses to participate?
A: Just like being in a real classroom, there will be a lot of new things to get used to. Your child’s teachers will work closely with each student to get them acclimated to virtual learning. Every class will have a partner teacher, which will enable teachers to provide individualized attention when a child needs it. (And remember, Dr. Talisha Bond, our school psychologist, is only an email away!)
Q: I don’t have a tablet or a computer. Is there a paper option for students?
A: No. Students must have a tablet or computer because live learning via the internet is mandatory. If you need a tablet, computer, or hotspot to be able to connect to the internet, please fill out this form.
Q: I have more than one kid, but only one device. What happens if they have live class at the same time?
A: For this exact reason, DCPS and Van Ness are committed to making sure every single student has a device. If a family has more than one DCPS student, each student needs his or her own device. If you need a device, please fill out this form.
Q: What’s the deal with attendance?
A: For kindergarten and above, the attendance requirements are the same as they are in normal school years. IMPORTANT NOTE: Attendance will be tracked using Canvas, the platform DCPS is using. Because of this, it’s very important to make sure you child logs in to Canvas every school day. (Even if your child logs in to another learning program their class is using, they still must log in to Canvas each day. Otherwise they will be marked as absent.)
Q: Will my child be graded this year?
A: Yes. Each child will be evaluated and receive regular report cards. For more information, visit here.
Q: Do kids have to wear a uniform while we are doing virtual learning?
A: No. But there are a set of virtual learning “norms” that the Van Ness community will adhere to. For example, kids must be dressed (i.e. not in pajamas) and while on calls, no eating or lying down. Each teacher will work with their students to practice these norms at the beginning of the year…just the way they would spend the first part of a normal school year learning about classroom expectations.
Q: How will students receive special education services (speech, physical therapy, etc.)?
A: Special education teachers and related service providers will have sessions with students via video conference and will also provide consultation to parents. DCPS may make an adjustment and allow some in-person learning for students most in need of it; if this shift occurs, we will let our families know.
Q: I have a different question that I need help with.
A: We want to help you get the answers you need! Please email with your question. And also be sure to check out, the website DCPS created that is a great resource for virtual learning information.