Enrichments at Van Ness
We have a variety of enrichment opportunities at Van Ness, a great new schedule from our new partner Future Stars as well as some taught by Van Ness teachers and organized by the school. Our PTO board shared that parents would like to see an overview of all the enrichment offerings available at Van Ness and you can find that list below:
2023 FUTURE STARS Enrichments
HERE you will find the link for Van Ness Registration. Please note that this specific link already has the site location filtered for Van Ness. If you change the filters, please ensure that you are registering for Van Ness ES. Another way to access registration for "The Future Stars" at Van Ness ES is to visit www.thefuturestars.net and click on VAN NESS at the top. This will take you directly to the Van Ness site registration
Read below for instructions on how to register:
In order to register for any clubs, a registration fee must be paid. The registration fee is the membership fee.
1. Click on Memberships
2. Then, purchase the correct VAN NESS membership for your child/or family. Fill out all forms and waivers.
3. Proceed to the cart and purchase
4. Then, go back to the main site HERE and add the club/clubs to your cart.
Your child is all registered and you will get information within the next few weeks about the start of Session 1.
Things to watch out for while registering:
1. Make sure to register for memberships first. That is the registration fee for the session. Registration fees are PER SESSION not per club.
2. Check the days of the clubs when registering. The system will not prevent you from registering in a class if you pick multiple clubs on one day.
3. Check to make sure the grade level is correct for your child. After registration, our team does a detailed check on registration to ensure students are placed correctly. We will have to remove your child from a class if it does not match their grade level.
If there are any technical issues, please email info@thefuturestars.net
Partner Organization Enrichments
DC Scores (Fall and Spring, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders)
Girls on the Run (Fall and Spring, girls ages 8 and up)
Girl Scouts (all year, girls 1st to 4th)
DCIAA Sports
Basketball (Winter, 4th grade)
Cheerleading (Winter, 4th grade)
DCPS school-day enrichment and tutoring
Bicycle riding (2nd grade)
Swimming (3rd grade)
Girls Who Code (3rd grade)
Math Mondays (4th grade)
Experience Corps tutoring (K to 4th)
Reading Partners tutoring (K to 4th)